Andrew See is a barrister, HR & industrial relations consultant and sessional academic. Prior to commencing at the bar at Inns of Court in Brisbane, he was engaged as Counsel Employee Relations at Freehills (now Herbert Smith Freehills).
Between 2011 and 2020, Andrew was a Resident Magistrate in the Republic of Fiji, where he sat on the Employment Relations Tribunal, the Tax Tribunal, the Environment Tribunal, the Customs Act Court of Review and the Judicial Services Commission Disciplinary Tribunal (Non-Judicial Staff). Today, Andrew performs a broad range of legal and consultancy services across a diverse client base in both Australia and the Pacific.
Andrew was educated at St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace, and Marist College Ashgrove, and during his early tertiary studies was a member of the boarding school staff at Nudgee College. He holds degrees in arts (economics), law, philosophy and business administration, diplomas in industrial relations and business and a graduate certificate in university learning and teaching. In 2025, Andrew established the Kilkenny Chambers Training Institute (Brisbane School of Industrial Relations), to complement his work and provide a value add to those engaged in human resource management and industrial relations.
Andrew is a member of the Queensland Bar Association, the Industrial Relations Society of Queensland, the Queensland Irish Association, and the Pasifika Lawyers Association of Queensland.
He is also a life member of both the Gregory Terrace and Marist Ashgrove Old Boys' Associations.
Phone: +61 (07) 3326 0975
+61 (0) 438 562325
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