Andrew See has worked in employment and industrial relations since 1983 and from that time has serviced a diverse range of internal and external clients from all major industry groups within both the public and private sectors. 

Andrew is known for his capacity to provide free thinking and independent advice. He has a particular interest in developing effective strategies to resolve conflict at work and has undertaken extensive consultancies in this area, providing mediation and advisory services.


Within his career in industrial relations, Andrew has gained extensive experience working as an advocate in the Queensland and Commonwealth industrial relations tribunals and has been invited to speak at a wide range of industry forums, particularly in relation to industrial relations, human resource management and work, health and safety issues.  


Andrew has extensive experience in both adjudicating and resolving labour disputes - more recently arising out of his time as a Resident Magistrate in Fiji. In 2018, Andrew was a participant at the International Labour Standards Academy, held at the International Labour Organization's (ILO) International Training Centre (ITC), Turin, Italy and undertook further studies in the ITCILO Training Academy in 2022 and 2023.  Between 2010 and 2024, Andrew was also a pro-bono mediator involved in the LawRight Queensland program, providing assistance to the Small Claims - Fair Work Division - of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.   


 Academic qualifications 

  • Associate Diploma in Industrial Relations (Brisbane College of Advanced Education);
  • Bachelor of Arts (Double Major in Economics)(University of Queensland);
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Queensland University of Technology);
  • Masters of Business Administration (University of Southern Queensland);
  • Bachelor of Laws (Queensland University of Technology);
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Griffith University);
  • Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching (Griffith University).


Professional accreditation 

  • Certificate of admission to practise as Barrister in the Supreme Court of Queensland (March 2002).
  • Certificate to practise in any of the federal courts of Australia (May 2002).   
  • Associate Fellow Higher Education Academy (July 2022).



  • ITCILO Forced Labour and Responsible Business Conduct, October 2023
  • ITCILO International Labour Standards (ILS) Academy Asia Pacific. June 2022.
  • Teaching for Learning, Griffith University, June 2002. 
  • ITCILO International Labour Standards (ILS) Academy, 2018 (Turin, Italy). 
  • Mercer Cullen Egan Dell - Job Analysis and Job Evaluation Methodology 1999 (Qld Public Sector).
  • Public Sector Management Course, 1996.



Illustrative Litigation Experience   

Administrative Appeals Tribunal  

LSNZ and Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Citizenship) [2020] AATA 2419 (22 July 2020)

Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission 

Brisbane City Council Salaried Staff Award 1983 [1985] CthArbRp 609; (1985) 299 CAR 358; C No 5382 of 1985; G0725 (25 November 1985)

The Brisbane City Council Salaried Staff Award and The Municipal Officers' (Brisbane City Council Transport) Award 1983 in relation to trade union training leave.  Print G1331 [1985] AIRC 469 (11 December 1985).   

Brisbane City Council Salaried Staff Award 1983; Application for work value - Property Management Branch, B056 Dec 1156/88 A Print H 6353 (22 December 1988).

Australian Industrial Relations Commission   

National Wage Case 1990; see Industrial Relations Commission Decision 300/1991 [1991] AIRC 281; (16 April 1991) 

Gary Broad v Pacific Coal Pty Ltd - PR938460 [2003] AIRC 1345; (30 October 2003) PR938460 

Fair Work Australia

Grigonis v Adelaide Coffee Company Pty Ltd [2011] FWA 1586 (29 March 2011) [2011] FWA 1586

Starkie v Barambah Organics Pty Ltd [2012] FWA 1232 (1 March 2012) [2012] FWA 1232

Fair Work Commission

Lambert v Jetscape Travel Pty Ltd [2013] FWC 9246 (18 December 2013) [2013] FWC 9246

Leung v ALH Group Ltd [2013] FWC 7081 (19 September 2013) [2013] FWC 7081

Mr Steve Slemint v Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group Pty Limited T/A Chardons Hotel [2019] FWC 45

Ms Kellie Smith v Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group Pty Limited [2020] FWC 2347 (8 May 2020)

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia 

Hosking v MJ Mahon Holdings Pty Ltd [2021] FEDCFAMC2G 66 (21 September 2021)

Federal Court of Australia 

Pexbury Pty Ltd v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022] FCA 660

Queensland Anti Discrimination Tribunal

Irvine and Porter v Mermaids Café and Bar Pty Ltd and Ingall (No 2) [2010] QCAT 482

Queensland District Court

Chmiel & Anor v Alcohol and  Drug  Foundation – Queensland [2010] QDC 497

Queensland Industrial Court

Quill v CSR Limited [2004] QIC 20; 175 QGIG 1124 (19 March 2004) [2004] QIC 20;

Queensland Industrial Relations Commission

McDonald v Lanes Biscuits Pty Ltd (Kraft Foods Pty Ltd) [2003] QIRC 81

Phipps v Travel Insurance Australia Pty Ltd [2006] QIRComm 107; 183 QGIG 769 (29 September 2006)

Slavica Lake AND Q-COMP (WC/2011/25) (7 January 2013) [2013] QIRComm 1

Queensland Supreme Court

Edwards v. North Goonyella Coal Mines Pty Ltd [2005] QSC 242 (1 September 2005) [2005] QSC 242; 57 AILR 300-092